Online Offerings

Online Leadership Development Course

Developing a team is challenging when team members don’t participate, if there is a lack of responsibility and accountability among team members, and if there is a feeling of disconnect in the working environment.

Our online course will help you build that connection in your team, and you will learn how to encourage each member to show up for themselves and for the team. 

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Group Option

For every 5 people who sign up for the course at its current rate, you will get a 6th enrolment free. 

R 5 545 (excl VAT)


Course Breakdown

When you complete this course, you will gain confidence in your own leadership abilities and gain respect from peers and other leaders in the business. You will also gain a loyal, productive and engaged team and find long term enjoyment from leading a high-performance team.


Module 1: Team Phases

Identifying where my team is. What works well and what doesn’t work well and what is keeping us here?


Module 2: Social Styles

Understanding different personalities and how they affect team dynamics.


Module 3: Effective Communication

Understanding why myself and others react and respond the way we do in communication, and how to communicate well.


Module 4: Courageous Conversations

Create a safe but direct space for tough and sensitive conversations


Module 5:  Leadership Attitude

Reflect on how you behave towards others, especially team members. Are you creating space for growth?


Module 6: Lead Like a Coach

Gain coaching skills to develop problem-solving and engagement within your team.


Module 7: Motivation for Performance

A fresh look at performance and how to make your team share in the responsibility.


Module 8: Making it Safe

How to create psychological safety and really make an impact.


Module 9: Building Trust

Understanding what trustworthiness entails and how you and your team can increase trust with all stakeholders.


Module 10: Effective Listening

How to listen so that you actually make a difference and add value.


Module 11: Develop Team Proactiveness

High performance, ownership and accountability, get your team to focus on what they can do instead of getting stuck.


Module 12: Giving and receiving feedback

Create a culture of safe feedback for increased growth and performance.

What people have to say

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Knowledge isn’t Power, ACTION is.