A successful feedback culture implements 360 feedback

360 feedback is a powerful tool for improving individual and team performance in organisations. It involves collecting feedback from various sources, such as peers, supervisors, and subordinates, to provide a comprehensive view of an individual’s strengths and weaknesses. At Credo Growth, we have seen that many companies struggle to implement effective 360 feedback programs despite […]

Lessons on fostering compassionate grit and performance from freediving

It is not every day that one gets the opportunity to challenge oneself beyond limits. I went on a holiday with my sister, her partner and my husband in Greece. The week was one of “get the hell out of your comfort zone”. We indulged in recreational freediving and spearfishing, which we love doing in […]

Leadership Takeaways from Entrepreneurs in Pakistan

I recently delivered keynote talks in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, Pakistan. If you had asked me a year ago if this was possible, I would have said, “not a chance, I’m female, and it’s Pakistan!” My journey started in Karachi, the largest city in Pakistan and a bustling metropolis. While there, I had the privilege […]

The ABC’s of Apologising: The Five Apology Languages

Have you ever apologised to someone, and it felt as though it didn’t land, or perhaps even misinterpreted, resulting in the apology not being accepted? As with most scenarios in life, there is no one size fits all – and the same goes for apologies. Luckily, Dr. Chapman and Jennifer Thomas discussed this in their […]

FREE videos to get the most out of your development curve

If you’re anything like me, you probably expect everything to happen yesterday: I’ve just finished my degree, why don’t I have my dream job yet? Wow, this new role is taking me forever to get used to, why am still floundering?! My coaching style feels stagnant, why can’t I go deep enough? These types of […]

Adding Mindfulness to Your 2021 Toolkit

Have you ever been at home or in the office working on an important project or task, and suddenly felt an overwhelming sense of anxiety? Your heart rate quickens, you lose focus or you lash out at a colleague or family member without warning. These could be signs that your stress levels need to be […]